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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Feliz Día de la Madre Collection BUNDLE

Feliz Día de la Madre Collection BUNDLE

5 Resources
Ahorra tiempo y energía, y consigue que tu clase se sienta agradecida, admirada y llena de amor en el Día de la Madre. Los niños saldrán corriendo a abrazar a sus mamás más que nunca después de un día como éste. Puedes conseguir que las mamás de tu clase reciban más que un regalo, un reconocimiento real por parte de sus hijos. Sensibiliza a tus estudiantes sobre el papel de sus madres en sus vidas y ayúdales a reconocer su importancia. Celebra el Día de la Madre con actividades que ayuden a los niños a comprender el verdadero significado de este bonito acontecimiento. Los niños comprenderán que su amor y su actitud pueden devolverles parte de la devoción que sus madres sienten por ellos. Podrán expresar con palabras y gráficos el amor, el respeto, la admiración y la comprensión que como niños sienten por sus mamás. Las actividades están pensadas para todos los niños, tengan o no mamá. Pueden dedicar este día a esa figura materna que cuida de ellos. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Feliz Día de la Madre Mini Libro Recurso 3: Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card Recurso 4: Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - Google Slides Recurso 5: Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images ¡Feliz Día de la Madre!
Mother's Day Collection BUNDLE

Mother's Day Collection BUNDLE

5 Resources
Save time and energy and make your students feel thankful, admiring, and loving on Mother’s Day. With our activities, kids will run to their moms with open arms more than ever before. Ensure that the moms in your class receive more than just a gift – give them the recognition they deserve from their children. Sensitize your students to the important role their mothers play in their lives and help them recognize the true importance of Mother’s Day. Celebrate this lovely event with engaging activities that foster understanding and appreciation. Our activities will help children understand that their love and attitude can reciprocate their mother’s devotion to them. They will be able to express their feelings of love, respect, admiration, and understanding for their mothers through written and graphical means. Our activities are inclusive and suitable for all children, including those who may not have a mother. However, they can dedicate this day to a mother figure who takes care of them. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Mother’s Day Mini Book Resource 3: Mother’s Day Checklist Card Resource 4: Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides Resource 5: Mother’s Day Craft Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mother’s Day!
Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad

Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad

Este es un excelente recurso para celebrar el Día de la Madre. Es el detalle perfecto para que las mamás de tu clase lo recuerden y lo atesoren para siempre. Pide a tus niños que piensen en todo el amor y la dedicación que sus madres, abuelas o figuras maternas, les dan cada día de sus vidas. Es una excelente oportunidad para inspirar a los niños sobre el trabajo y el esfuerzo diario de sus mamás. Recibirás muchas notas de agradecimiento. Habrá algunas lágrimas y muchas risas por parte de las madres. El recurso tiene dos versiones, una para la madre y otra para los niños que no viven con su mamá o no la tienen. Este recurso incluye dos versiones: Página 1: Portada (Versión Mamá y Vacía) Página 2: Acróstico (Versión Mamá y Vacía) Página 3: La Mejor Mamá del Mundo (Versión Mamá y Vacía) ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Feliz Día de la Madre Mini Libro Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - PDF Printable Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Craft

Mother's Day Craft

This is an excellent resource to celebrate Mother’s Day, making it the perfect keepsake for your class’s mothers to cherish forever. Encourage your students to reflect on the love and dedication their moms, grandmothers, or mother figures provide them every day. The writing activity is a beautiful way to convey heartfelt messages to all the women who love their children deeply. It presents an exceptional opportunity to inspire children about the tireless work and daily efforts of their moms. You will receive numerous thank-you notes, and there will be tears and laughter as mothers are honored. This resource has two versions, one for mothers and one for children who do not live with or have a mother, making it inclusive for all. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover (Mother & Empty Version) Page 2: Acrostic - (Mother & Empty Version) Page 3: Best Mom Ever (Mother & Empty Version) Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★★ Download More Versions: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Mini Book Mother’s Day Checklist Card - PDF Printable Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides -------------------------------------------"
Día de la Tierra Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

Día de la Tierra Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

¿Quieres preparar una clase atractiva para el Día de la Tierra? Tu clase estará llena de vida y evocará un entorno natural, ecológico y verde. Haz que tus estudiantes sientan que están experimentando algo nuevo. Se contagiarán del espíritu del Día de la Tierra. Preparar la clase, la puerta o el pasillo te llevará unos minutos. Dejarás una impresión única y positiva en tus niños, maestros y padres. Anima a tus estudiantes a pensar y escribir sobre cómo pueden ayudar al planeta, y utiliza sus ideas para decorar y personalizar tu decoración. Todo está listo para imprimir, recortar y colgar en el aula o el pasillo. Siente el orgullo y tranquilidad de dejar tu clase o escuela más que lista para celebrar el día de la Tierra. Este recurso incluye: Letras: -Tamaño grande: 1 letra por página (15 páginas a color) -Tamaño mediano: 2 letras por página (8 páginas a color) -Tamaño pequeño: 3 letras por página (5 páginas en color) Ejercicio de Escritura: -Ejercicio de escritura (1 página a color) -Ejercicio de escritura (1 página a blanco y negro) Póster de la clase: -Póster de la clase editable (1 página a color) -Póster no editable (1 página a color) Pósteres: -Pósteres (6 páginas a color) Banderines -Banderín con imágenes (6 páginas a color) -Banderín de equipo (1 página a color) Imágenes Decorativas: -Tierra recortable (1 página a color) -Personajes de la Tierra (1 página a color) -Flores, hojas, árbol (2 páginas a color) ¡Feliz Día de la Tierra! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo Día de la Tierra - Actividad Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja Día del Árbol - Manualidad Día de la Tierra Manualidad Día de la Tierra Desafío de la Semana Manualidad Árboles de Otoño - Ficha Técnica de Facebook --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Mini Book BUNDLE

Mother's Day Mini Book BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This lovely mini-book is an ideal gift for Mother’s Day, and every page expresses a child’s love and appreciation for their mom. This resource offers a great opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation for all the hardworking moms and celebrate the special bond between mothers and their children. It is essential to note that there are two versions of the mini-book, one for mothers and another for children who do not have a mother or want to write to another mother figure in their lives, such as their grandmother, aunt, or friend. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Mother’s Day Cover (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: All About My Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: My Mom is Unique and Special (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: I Love my Mom Because (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: What I Love Doing with My Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Things I Love About my Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 7: My Mom is SO Important Because… (English and Spanish Version) Page 8: Mom Thank you For… (English and Spanish Version) Page 9: Mom, I Can Be a Better Son/Daughter By … (English and Spanish Version) Page 10: Mom If I Were Rich I Would… (English and Spanish Version) Happy Mother’s Day!
Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor

Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor

Do you want to create an attractive classroom for Earth Day? Your classroom will be full of life and evoke a natural, ecological, and green environment! Make your students feel like they’re experiencing something new. They’ll get into the Earth Day spirit. Getting your classroom, door, or hallway ready takes minutes. You’ll leave a positive impression on kids, teachers, and parents. Encourage your students to think and write about how they can help the planet, and use their ideas for decorating. Everything is ready to print, cut out and hang in the classroom or hallway. This resource includes: Letters: -Large Size: 1 letter per page (9 pages in color) -Medium Size: 2 letters per page (5 pages in color) -Small Size: 3 letters per page (3 pages in color) Writing Prompt: -Student Writing Prompt (1 page in color) -Student Writing Prompt (1 page in B&W) Class Sign Posters: -Class Sign Editable Poster (1 page in color) -Class Sign Non-Editable Poster (1 page in color) Posters: -Posters (6 pages in color) Pennants: -Image Pennant (6 pages in color) -Team Pennant (1 page in color) Decor Images: -Cuttable Earth (1 page in color) -Earth Characters (1 page in color) -Flowers, Leaves, Tree (2 pages in color) Happy Earth Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation Earth Day Activity Earth Day Week Challenge Craft Earth Day Draw and Write Earth Day Craft Arbor Day Craft Autumn - Fall Trees - Facebook Datasheets --------------------------------------------------------"
Earth Day Task Cards BUNDLE

Earth Day Task Cards BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Earth Day Task Cards. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Earth Day task cards are great for centers, individual work, and group activities. In addition to introducing Earth Day to your kids, these cards can identify what they already know about this amazing event. Children will learn about their planet and expand their knowledge. They’ll learn facts and reinforce information about our beautiful planet. Use these task cards to reinforce concepts and help students think of ways to help and protect the earth. This resource can be the most suitable complement to the resource Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation in English and Spanish. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: 32 Task cards - color version (English and Spanish Version) 32 Task cards - black and white (English and Spanish Version) Answer Sheet (English and Spanish Version) Recording Sheet - black and white (English and Spanish Version) Recording Sheet - Google Slides, color version (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Earth Day!
Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo

Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo

Las tarjetas de trabajo del Día de la Tierra son ideales para trabajar en centros, trabajo individual y/o actividades en grupo. Además de introducir el Día de la Tierra a tus estudiantes, estas tarjetas pueden identificar lo que ellos ya saben sobre este asombroso acontecimiento. Los niños aprenderán sobre su planeta y ampliarán sus conocimientos. Conocerán datos y reforzarán información sobre nuestro planeta. Utiliza estas fichas para reforzar conceptos y ayudar a los niños a pensar en formas de ayudar y proteger la Tierra. Este recurso puede ser el complemento más adecuado del recurso Presentación en PowerPoint del Día de la Tierra.¡Échale un vistazo! Este recurso incluye: 32 Tarjetas de trabajo (versión color) 32 Tarjetas de trabajo (versión blanco y negro) Hoja de respuestas (versión blanco y negro) Hoja de Registro (versión color) Hoja de Registro (versión blanco y negro) Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images “-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Items: * Descarga la versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------” "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint Día de la Tierra - Actividad Día de la Tierra Manualidad Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja Día de la Tierra Desafío de la Semana Manualidad Árboles de Otoño - Ficha Técnica de Facebook Día del Árbol - Manualidad --------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de la Tierra!
Earth Day Task Cards

Earth Day Task Cards

Earth Day task cards are great for centers, individual work, and group activities. In addition to introducing Earth Day to your kids, these cards can identify what they already know about this amazing event. Children will learn about their planet and expand their knowledge. They’ll learn facts and reinforce information about our beautiful planet. Use these task cards to reinforce concepts and help students think of ways to help and protect the earth. This resource can be the most suitable complement to the resource Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation. Check it out! This resource includes: 32 Task cards (Color Version) 32 Task cards (Black and White) Task cards cover Answer Sheet Recording Sheet (Black and White) Recording Sheet (Google Slides Color Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Items: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation Earth Day Activity Earth Day Week Challenge Craft Earth Day Draw and Write Earth Day Craft Arbor Day Craft Autumn - Fall Trees - Facebook Datasheets ----------------------------------------------" Happy Earth Day!
Feliz Día de la Madre Mini Libro

Feliz Día de la Madre Mini Libro

¿Quieres compartir con todos tus estudiantes un regalo adorable para sus mamás? Este Mini Libro hará que todas las madres lean cada día o incluso cada año página a página todas las ideas que sus hijos escriben sobre ellas. Será el mejor regalo para mamá; será el regalo para atesorar. Este adorable mini libro será el detalle perfecto para el Día de la Madre. Cada página describe lo mucho que los niños conocen y quieren a sus mamás. Recuerda que puedes presentar y sensibilizar a tus estudiantes, el Día de la Madre con un excelente recurso, Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint. Esta presentación concientiza y promueve la autorreflexión sobre la importancia de las mamás en nuestras vidas; a los niños les resultará más fácil completar sus mini libros. PD: Hay dos versiones, una para las madres y otra para los niños que no tienen mamá o deciden escribir a su abuelita, tía, amiga, etc. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Feliz Día de la Madre Página 2: Todo Sobre mi Mamá Página 3: Mi Mamá es Única y Especial Página 4: Amo a mi Mamá Porque… Página 5: Los Superpoderes de mi Mamá son Página 6: Lo que me Gusta Hacer con mi Mamá Página 7: Mi Mamá es MUY Importante Porque… Página 8: Mamá, Gracias Por… Página 9: Mamá, así Puedo Ser un/a Mejor Hijo/Hija… Página 10: Mamá, Si Yo Fuera Rico/a… ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Mini Book

Mother's Day Mini Book

Imagine a mini-book where children can write their thoughts and feelings about their mothers, and mothers can treasure those precious words every day, even for years to come. This lovely mini-book is an ideal gift for Mother’s Day, and every page is an expression of a child’s love and appreciation for their mom. To introduce Mother’s Day in your classroom, you can use the Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation, which raises awareness about the significance of mothers in our lives and promotes self-reflection. The presentation can also help students to complete their mini-books with ease and creativity. Overall, this resource offers a great opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation for all the hardworking moms out there and to celebrate the special bond between mothers and their children. It is essential to note that there are two versions of the mini-book, one for mothers and another for children who do not have a mother or want to write to another mother figure in their lives, such as their grandmother, aunt, or friend. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Mother’s Day Cover Page 2: All About My Mom Page 3: My Mom is Unique and Special Page 4: I Love my Mom Because Page 5: What I Love Doing with My Mom Page 6: Things I Love About my Mom Page 7: My Mom is SO Important Because… Page 8: Mom Thank you For… Page 9: Mom, I Can Be a Better Son/Daughter By… Page 10: Mom If I Were Rich I Would… Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Checklist Card Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. Encourage your children to appreciate their mothers by raising awareness of their hard work and sacrifices. Inspire them to talk about the love and care they receive from their mothers every day. By teaching the true meaning of Mother’s Day, your students can celebrate the occasion with enthusiasm, energy, and motivation. The activities can create lasting memories for the children and their mothers, and many moms may express their gratitude to you. It is essential to involve children in this presentation so that they can understand and appreciate the immense value their mothers have in their lives. The slides provide an excellent opportunity for children to express their feelings for their special mothers and share their experiences. The slides can also allow them to reflect on their behavior and attitude towards their mothers, promoting empathy and respect. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Mother’s Day? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: History of Mother’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: History of Mother’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Why are Moms So Important? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: My Mom is Unique and Special (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Moms are Superheros (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Types of Moms (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: I Love my Mom (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Celebrate Mother’s Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Let’s Talk About Our Moms (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Let’s Talk About Our Moms (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We Have Learner About … Mother’s Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mother’s Day!
Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint

Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint

Sensibiliza a tus niños, anímeles a hablar de sus madres, a pensar en sus sacrificios y en el amor y los cuidados que les dan cada día. Muéstrale y enseñale a tus estudiantes el verdadero significado del Día de la Madre. Tus niños saldrán de la escuela celebrando este día con energía, ilusión y motivación. Seguro que muchas madres te escribirán. Todos los niños deberían ver esta presentación; nunca olvidarán el inmenso valor que tienen sus madres en sus vidas. Las diapositivas permitirán a los estudiantes compartir sus experiencias y los sentimientos m��s hermosos que tienen por sus madres. Además, les permitirán reflexionar sobre su comportamiento y actitud hacia ellas. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es el Día de la Madre? Diapositiva 2: Historia del Día de la Madre - Parte I Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día de la Madre - Parte II Diapositiva 4: ¿Por qué son tan Importantes las Mamás? Diapositiva 5: Mi Mamá es Única y Especial Diapositiva 6: Las Mamás son Superheroínas Diapositiva 7: Tipos de Mamás Diapositiva 8: Amo a mi Mamá Diapositiva 9: Celebra el Día de la Madre Diapositiva 10: Hablemos de Nuestras Mamás Diapositiva 11: Día de la Madre en el Mundo Diapositiva 12: Hemos aprendido sobre … El Día de la Madre Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card | Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation

Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation

Encourage your children to appreciate their mothers by raising awareness of their hard work and sacrifices. Inspire them to talk about the love and care they receive from their mothers every day. By teaching the true meaning of Mother’s Day, your students can celebrate the occasion with enthusiasm, energy, and motivation. The activities can create lasting memories for the children and their mothers, and many moms may express their gratitude to you. It is essential to involve children in this presentation so that they can understand and appreciate the immense value their mothers have in their lives. The slides provide an excellent opportunity for children to express their feelings for their special mothers and share their experiences. The slides can also allow them to reflect on their behavior and attitude towards their mothers, promoting empathy and respect. Overall, by participating, children can learn the importance of showing gratitude and appreciation towards their mothers, creating a positive impact on their lives and relationships. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Mother’s Day? Slide 2: History of Mother’s Day - Part I Slide 3: History of Mother’s Day - Part II Slide 4: Why are Moms So Important? Slide 5: My Mom is Unique and Special Slide 6: Moms are Superheros Slide 7: Types of Moms Slide 8: I Love my Mom Slide 9: Celebrate Mother’s Day Slide 10: Let’s Talk About Our Moms Slide 11: Let’s Talk About Our Moms Slide 12: We Have Learner About … Mother’s Day Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Mother’s Day Mini Book Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Checklist Card Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------"
Book Day Activities | Google Slides BUNDLE

Book Day Activities | Google Slides BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Book Day Activity - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Book Day is a fantastic activity to focus on reading and foster a love for books. It’s all about bringing kids closer to the books and authors they already adore while also introducing them to new books and authors they’ll cherish just as much in the future. Whichever way you choose to celebrate Book Day, ensure it’s an educational experience. This could be the perfect day to teach your students about the joys of reading and help them discover new genres and authors they may have never known existed. Easily use this interactive activity for distance learning by sending Google Slides to your students’ homes! This resource offers a simple guide to help parents and kids draw or use shapes to complete the activity. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: My Favorite Book Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Parts of the Book Worksheet (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: I Can Read a Book… 7-Day Challenge (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Book Genres Worksheet 1 (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Book Genres Worksheet 2 (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Book Recommendation (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Happy Book Day Bookmark (English and Spanish Version) Happy Book Day!
Día Internacional del Libro | Actividad  Google Slides

Día Internacional del Libro | Actividad Google Slides

El Día del Libro es una actividad fantástica para centrarse en la lectura y fomentar el amor por los libros. Se trata de acercar a los niños a los libros y autores que ya adoran, al tiempo que se les presentan nuevos libros y autores que apreciarán igualmente en el futuro. Sea cual sea la forma que elijas para celebrar el Día del Libro, asegúrate de que sea una experiencia educativa. Este podría ser el día perfecto para enseñar a los estudiantes los placeres de la lectura y ayudarles a descubrir nuevos géneros y autores que quizá no sabían que existían. Utiliza fácilmente esta actividad interactiva para la enseñanza a distancia enviando las diapositivas de Google a casa de tus estudiantes. Este recurso ofrece una guía sencilla para ayudar a padres e hijos a dibujar o utilizar formas para completar la actividad. Este recurso incluye: Slide 1: Banderín Mi libro favorito Slide 2: Ficha/ Guía Partes de Libro Slide 3: Reto de 7-días. Puedo leer… Slide 4: Géneros Literarios Slide 5: Géneros Literarios Slide 6: Recomiendo un Libro… Slide 7: Marcapáginas "----------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - Google Slides -----------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día Internacional del Libro!
Book Day Activity | Google Slides

Book Day Activity | Google Slides

Book Day is a fantastic activity to focus on reading and foster a love for books. It’s all about bringing kids closer to the books and authors they already adore while also introducing them to new books and authors they’ll cherish just as much in the future. Whichever way you choose to celebrate Book Day, ensure it’s an educational experience. This could be the perfect day to teach your students about the joys of reading and help them discover new genres and authors they may have never known existed. Easily use this interactive activity for distance learning by sending Google Slides to your students’ homes! This resource offers a simple guide to help parents and kids draw or use shapes to complete the activity. This resource includes: Slide 1: My Favorite Book Pennant Slide 2: Parts of the Book Worksheet Slide 3: Can Read a Book… 7-Day Challenge Slide 4: Book Genres Worksheet Slide 5: Book Genres Worksheet Slide 6: Book Recommendation Slide 7: Happy Book Day Bookmark "----------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - Google Slides -----------------------------------------------" Happy Book Day!
Earth Day Draw and Write BUNDLE

Earth Day Draw and Write BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Earth Day Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This activity is the perfect resource for children to pay tribute to our beautiful planet. This resource aims to promote creativity and imagination in caring for the Earth. Children commit to taking action to keep it saved. Children think, write, and read about how they can help and support the Earth. Your students will enjoy learning about the importance of Earth Day with the components of this engaging, helpful resource! This is an excellent activity for celebrating Earth Day with creativity and imagination! The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Earth Day Acrostic (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: I Can Help the Earth By… (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: The Three R’s (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: All About The Earth - Comic (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Superhero of the Earth (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: My Dream Earth Planet (English and Spanish Version) Happy Earth Day!
Book Day Activities BUNDLE

Book Day Activities BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Book Day Activity. These are perfect for bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Book Day is a fantastic activity that aims to cultivate a love of books among students. This resource is designed to bring children closer to the books and authors they already adore, while also introducing them to new genres and authors they will cherish in the future. You can create a truly educational experience for your students by utilizing the Book Day Activity as the perfect opportunity to teach them about the joys of reading and introduce them to new genres and authors they may have never encountered before. This resource will help your students become better readers and writers. Ensure that Book Day is a memorable and exciting experience for all, and witness your students’ love of reading grow! The two resources I included in this bundle are sold separately. Below is a list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: My Favorite Book Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Parts of the Book Worksheet (English and Spanish Version) I Can Read a Book… 7-Day Challenge (English and Spanish Version) Book Genres Worksheets (English and Spanish Version) Book Recommendation (English and Spanish Version) Happy Book Day Bookmark (English and Spanish Version) Happy Book Day!